The Aaronic Blessing – What it means for you

Numbers 6: The word blessing has the idea of pronouncing a wish of happiness given by one to another for the divine favor upon them from God. Dr. Constable notes that it is a benediction to the priests to offer for the sanctification for the people. It is often used in our liturgical blessings for people […]

Help the Weak

Romans 15 Wisdom James reminded his readers about two kinds of wisdom, earthly and heavenly. Wisdom requires not just input of facts but also the practical outworking of that in us for many reasons such as being the shepherds, the ones who live out Christ to and before others. Paul has spent the greater part […]

Anointed For Service

Isaiah 61 Have you heard or even voiced: what does God want me to do? I feel like I am spinning wheels and have no direction. Messiah didn’t have that problem so why do we? Perhaps the key is in knowing that you have been anointed – selected, elected for the service of the Lord.  Peter […]

Another Backstory…

Psalm 60  Taking time to just read and meditate unearths many questions. Why is David writing this? Who is against him? Where did this happen? Why is Edom mentioned? To unearth all of this we need to backtrack to 2Samuel 8. It is here that we read: Perhaps while Israel was at war with the Arameans, […]


There are many TV shows that trace a fledgling law firm which seeks to help those who are less fortunate navigate the judicial system. Some come out with what seems perfect justice but sometimes the evidence seems rather sketchy and even a stretch. Only God knows the truth and only an individual who will stand […]

Spending Time with God

Psalm 9 -12 I don’t know about you but life seems to be at warp speed these days. The internet keeps us focused for a fraction of time and authors come and go with lightning speed. We name a name and others look at us with eyes glazed over and ask “Who? Who? Who?” When […]

Who is God to you?

When was the last time you just sat and pondered God and His character? What thoughts went through your mind?  Read Neh 9; Ask yourself: “Who is God?”   The wall of Jerusalem is completed, the enemies were unsuccessful, the gates are in place and it is time to “party!” Well, no not exactly; it […]

Got a problem? Try Nehemiah’s Solution

Nehemiah 4 – 6 With the king’s seal of approval, Nehemiah set off to the city of his ancestors. He quietly took time away from the peering eyes of those who could be the “naysayers” or those who perhaps wore the cloaks of legalese. He took time to scope out the scene. Then he called the […]

Every Thought….

Genesis 10-11 “Every thought….” What goes around comes around so the saying goes because unless we change our thinking we will get the same results. Case in point:  before the flood men’s hearts were evil; after the flood, nothing changed. Men’s hearts were still deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked and the story of the […]

How to be Sagacious in a Topsy Turvy World

Genesis 3 -5  Have you a constant struggle with the adversary Satan?  It may be 2019 and our new year like newly fallen snow looks beautiful but if you look beneath you will see all of the dirt and grime that is hidden from sight. Truthfully, today like any other day is just like that dirt […]