The Price of Forgiveness

Lev 14-15 When we sin, intentionally or unintentionally, everyone suffers! The price for forgiveness or cleansing is very steep. In the case of the Israelites, it was the cost of an unblemished lamb or turtledoves. No matter what was given, it was costly to the sinner. We don’t have to wonder why because the life is […]

“Unclean and Clean”

Lev 13, Matt 8 For the last few years, we have experienced the stigma of being “unclean” regarding the pandemic. There has been a public outcry to be vaccinated and how to handle this to protect others. In some way, this scenario is much like what Hansen’s disease or leprosy was to the Israelite community. […]

Lord of Lords, King of Kings

Rev 19-22 The Lord God Almighty What a powerful way to end this series: The Lord God Almighty, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. As I read this, I remember Handel’s Messiah rendering of that, and we stand in observance of those words. Truly our Lord is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. […]

John Speaks …Listen to him

1 Jn 1-2 Lies vs. Truth Having just returned from Ephesus, I see myself walking that street that this dear servant walked so long ago. It is as if I can hear him speaking these words to the saints of old, warning them of the lies of our arch-enemy. He is begging them not to […]

Jesus is Better

Hebrews 5-7 The author of Hebrews continues his point that because Jesus is the Son, He is better than angels who are just ministering spirits. He is better than any earthly high priest who God chooses to serve the people compassionately. He is better because he is unlike an earthly priest who is only here […]

Keep that love fresh!

Ephesians 1-3 Paul wrote to encourage the Ephesians to stand fast. About 25 yrs. later under the inspiration of Christ, John wrote to encourage these precious believers to return to their first love. Paul told them they were saints, set apart for God, faithful in Christ. John said you were faithful and enduring. What had […]