What God has said, He will do

Is 13-15 There is hope…Keep Watching! During Israel’s troubles, God sends Isaiah with a message of hope to the nation of Israel. They had been or were to be in bondage from Babylon due to their sins of complacency. God used Babylon to serve Him in disciplining them, but they went above and beyond what […]

Fear or Trust in God?

Isaiah 9 God’s Only Son The prophet Isaiah lived and served under many kings, and most were ungodly like King Ahaz. They didn’t believe God as in the former times so when war was on the horizon they lived in fear. Yet, God sent Isaiah to the king to remind him that He was still […]

God is calling; what will we answer?

Isaiah 4-6 Today, as in the time of Isaiah, what God condemns, the world celebrates. God called out a people group not because they were more numerous than all the other peoples but because they were “precious and special in His sight and He loved them.” [Is 43:4a] He set standards for them to be […]

There is a godly remnant!

Isaiah 1-3 Headlines! Are you encouraged or discouraged when reading today’s news headlines? Imagine being Isaiah and being called to be God’s living “newspaper reporter” to the kingdom of Judah. Isaiah was to report the news just as God revealed it, and he did. God noted that the kingdom had fallen far from the ideal […]

Messiah Loves You!

SoS 5-8 The Groom/King comes to seek His bride, but she has not prepared herself for him. (One author said perhaps she has a headache 😉 ) As we read this, we are reminded of the parable of the ten virgins. Five were wise and collected oil for when the groom would come for her, but […]

His Banner over me is LOVE

Song of Solomon 1- Just like we hang a banner outside to announce to passersby a home’s theme, God’s Banner, which reads “LOVE,” hangs over us to show that inside are those who belong to the Savior. How beautifully is the banner that reveals God’s untarnished and pure love for His own. Solomon, as the […]

What are you searching for?

Eccl 10-12 Down through the ages, men have searched for many things; answers to health dilemmas or answers to why things happen, and searching for the meaning of life.  King Solomon was given wisdom beyond what you or I have, yet even he searched for the meaning of many things in life.  God gave him […]

Are you sure of your destiny?

Eccl 7-9 Solomon has spent time observing, analyzing, and interpreting the data about the living and the dead. Bible.org author/pastor Bob Deffinbaugh once told me he would rather preach a funeral than a wedding because, at a funeral, hearts are softened to hear the gospel and challenge them to reconsider their destiny. Solomon would agree. […]