Are you sure of your destiny?

Do you know your destiny

Eccl 7-9 Solomon has spent time observing, analyzing, and interpreting the data about the living and the dead. author/pastor Bob Deffinbaugh once told me he would rather preach a funeral than a wedding because, at a funeral, hearts are softened to hear the gospel and challenge them to reconsider their destiny. Solomon would agree. “It is better to go to a funeral than a feast. For death is the destiny of every person, and the living should take this to heart.” Eccl 7:2 and then 7:3 follows: “Sorrow is better than laughter because sober reflection is good for the heart.”

We should take this under consideration as we daily see the lives of many leaving this earthly domain and entering either heaven or hell. This takes us back to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 16:19-31 and the destiny of the poor sickly man Lazarus and the rich pompous man. Each died, but only one went to Paradise, and it was Lazarus, not the rich man. He ended up in Torments or Hell. Jesus told his audience to consider their destiny just as Solomon told them.

Are you assured of your destiny if you died today?

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