Where Were You…The Apostle John’s Reflections….

We all have times when we can recall “where we were” when something of significance happened. As we read John 19, the Apostle John shares with us his recollection of the day when holiness was triumphant over evil. John shares with us “where he was” on that fateful day when the words of Simeon must […]

Being a SaltShaker for Christ

Everyday you pick up the salt shaker and probably do not realize that there are at least 14,000 uses for the common table salt. Truly God’s gift is a wonder. Salt is not just an enhancer but also a preservative. It is an excellent cleaning agent—a brine of salt and vinegar poured down the kitchen […]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…Who is the Fairest of Them All?

 Mirrors have a way of changing our view.  We have a choice: will we look in the mirror and walk away forgetting who we are (James 1)  or will we look in the mirror and with a gasp see the true reflection and then choose to alter our view to mirror Christ? Are we seeing […]

Are You Ready?

Finishing up the Book of Romans with this post: September is here once again and with it many new Bible Studies are beginning. One of the details of being a leader in this arena is getting people to know one another and what better way than to give them a nametag. We might think of […]

Living Righteously in the Body of Christ.

Romans 14 always brings to forefront tears for me as I see the Body of Christ being torn asunder with differing opinions. I have to step aside and ask is there a grain of truth in this ounce of criticism and if so in light of eternity is this something I need to alter in […]

“The D Word” is NOT Divorce!

Today would have been the anniversary of my in-law’s marriage. They lived through their 73rd wedding anniversary, she dying on that day and my father in law 18 days later. They were a beautiful picture of true wedded bliss, literally bound to one another “until death do us part”. On the other side was my […]

The Resurrected Christ…A View from Matthew 28

A journey with the Apostle Matthew has taken us on a circuitous route, or sinuous if you like. It has been fraught with danger, and filled with expectation of what lay beyond the next bend. We have journeyed in and out of Israel, found those who are faithful and those who are not. It is […]

“Are You Worth the Taste Test?” Colossians 4

There is an old adage which says “open mouth, insert foot” which has the meaning of speaking before thinking. So how does that fit with today’s reading in Colossians? It shows us that no matter where God has placed you, you can be a Paul! Sequestered in a Roman jail, Paul used every opportunity to […]

The Church at Colosse….chapter 1

Irving Jensen has been like a mentor to me over the years and his study guide on Colossians is by far one of his richest. In the first lesson Jensen gives a task: Write a list of the good traits which you think a local church should exemplify. After you have completed your study of […]