“inside the box or outside the box?“

Luke 4&5: Amazing and astonishing are two words used by Dr. Luke to tell about how people reacted to the teaching of Jesus. In the Nazareth synagogue, he is selected to read the scriptures. The listeners were amazed at his gracious words, but as soon as they realize He is pointing to their lack of […]

John the Baptist and the Lamb of God

Jan 4th Luke 3 Dr. Luke wants us to see God’s perfect plan unfolding for His Son Jesus to be the perfect “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” [Jn 1:29] John will fulfill Isaiah 40:3: “A voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord.” It was […]

Faith or Facts?

Luke 1 Many echo the sentiment that they would believe if only they could see. They want facts before their faith. Yet Jesus said to Thomas,  “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are the people who have not seen and yet have believed.” [Jn 20:29] Thus, with those thoughts in mind, Dr. Luke, as a researcher, begins his account […]

“Christ the Radiance of His Glory.”

1John, the beloved disciple who walked with our Savior for three years, now testifies that he, Peter, and the other disciples have heard and have seen with their eyes, have looked at and hands have touched this man Jesus, and He was truly the Son of God. John Piper writes: “Many are willing to believe […]