Responding to Hypocrites…

Ps 55-57 How To Handle Hypocrites King David feels abandoned by someone. This was the person who was one of the king’s closest and most intimate of friends. To show how close they were, King David said: my close friend in whom I confided would share personal thoughts with each other and walk together in […]

Torments or Paradise

Ps 52-54; Luke 16: 19-31 Two Men, Two Decisions In Genesis, we see God creating, and he pronounces it all good, but in these three psalms, God looks upon His creation and pronounces: none doeth good, no not one. How tragic for our Almighty God to say these words. God sees and hears their words: […]

In Debt or Free?

Ps 50-51 In Debt or Free? Our world offers temporary peace and security yet they seek to encroach more and more on our freedoms with rules upon rules.  They offer temporary peace and security only to take it away in a panic. If we love this insecure world, we are not of God. [1John 2:16] […]

“A Mighty Fortress is our God”

Ps 46 Martin Luther composed this hymn based upon Ps 46 as he faced numerous threats and dangers from the Pope and his forces regarding his stand that “salvation is by grace and faith alone.” When the enemy of fear came calling, Martin Luther would say to his friend and co-worker, Philip Melanchthon, “Let us […]

Let God be the Healer

Ps 43 Self Talk when Troubled Today many are what we call the “walking wounded.” They are wounded by others, by illness, by tragedies beyond our ability to understand the “why’s.” These are those whose hearts are shattered. The psalmist falls into that category. Some may turn to outside sources for escape or healing, but […]

“Life is Short…Eternity is Forever” 

Ps 39-40 It seems like only yesterday that began its ministry, yet we are still sharing the love of God to millions! We are here proclaiming the majesty of our God! How about you? As Noah built the Ark, the words of the God deniers echoed in his ears: It has never rained and […]

When in sin…

Ps 31 Turn to God Job was blameless, yet he experienced the effects of Satan’s hand upon his life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. On the other hand, David is experiencing the effects of his iniquity, and the results are much the same. Therefore, it behooves us to know the difference. David begins with much bravado […]