In Debt or Free?

In Debt or Free?

Ps 50-51 In Debt or Free?

Our world offers temporary peace and security yet they seek to encroach more and more on our freedoms with rules upon rules.  They offer temporary peace and security only to take it away in a panic. If we love this insecure world, we are not of God. [1John 2:16] Instead, we are worshiping the creation more than the Creator.[Rom 1:25] The world is striving to do the right “thing,” yet it lacks the one thing needed; a humble spirit and a repentant heart and so remains indebted. But, thanks be to God that Jesus paid our sin debt.

In the OT, people brought animal sacrifices to the Tabernacle/Temple, and the High Priest would acknowledge such and pray for the individual. As temporary forgiveness, it had to be repeated over and over. On the cross, Jesus said, “it is finished,” and the veil in the temple was rent in two from top to bottom, opening the way to God. Now we can confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace. [Heb 4:16]Today we are to offer our bodies, alive, holy, and pleasing to Him, which is our reasonable service for all He has done. [Rom 12:1].

Are you still walking around with the sin label, or are you set free?

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