Our Crazy Mixed-Up World…

Psalm 40 Our world is a confusing place at times. There are those who call evil good and good evil. [Is 5:20] They substitute lies for the truth and expect us to accept it readily. If we challenge that thinking, they slander us. Yet, this is true: God is God, and there is none to […]

A Crisis of Belief

Judges 13-15 Back in the day of the Judges, the Israelites were excited when a baby was coming, but for some, like Mrs. Manoah, there was only sadness because she was barren. Was she sitting out in the field bemoaning her plight? Did God look down from heaven and say that there is a godly […]

The Glory of the Lord

Ezekiel 43-45 All through the OT, men saw glimpses of the Lord’s glory. Moses said the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire. [Ex 24:17] Isaiah saw and heard the seraphim calling to one another, “His majestic splendor fills the entire earth.” [Is 6:3] Elihu described God as mighty, exalted in power, the […]

We need to be saved!

Isaiah 64 A recent Nat’l Geographic article related the sad trajectory of the nation of Afghanistan. The warlords are raving mad. They cry, “women are a distraction.” They relish living in the days of long ago, in darkness, depravity, and violence. They see the evidence of a holy God yet deny His presence and power. […]

Mountains, Memories, and Milestones.

Psalm 76-78 The psalmist is not only talking to himself but to us as well. In Psalm 76:1, he notes that God is known in Judah. Is God known in my sphere of influence? The second thing he recalls is that God is more resplendent, that he shines brightly and reveals his majesty, more majestic […]