Broken & Flawed No More

Zechariah 11 In Chapter 11, we find the true character of the shepherds. They did not pity the people and took them for granted. As a shepherd, Zechariah asked them how much he was worth to them. They mockingly said 30 pieces of silver. According to Ex 21:32, thirty pieces of silver was the amount […]

Guilty or Forgiven?

Zechariah 3 “How Do You Stand; Guilty as Charged or Forgiven?” Picture a courtroom scene with the accuser and the defender and you in the middle. You stand before the righteous judge who listens to both sides of the argument. One says you are guilty and provides the evidence. Heads turn and you as the […]

Sitting Silent Before the Lord

Zephaniah 1-3 Although the Prophet Zephaniah writes a message of doom and gloom there is light at the end of the tunnel, as we say. Read the whole book so you can see it. The wonderful thing about Zephaniah is that he did not keep the message God gave him, as hard as it was, […]

Are you an Obadiah or a Jonah?

Obadiah/Jonah:  We have heard: sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me. But, of course, we know that that is an untruth for we have been the recipient of hurtful words and they linger in our hearts. Both Obadiah and Jonah heard the words of hate but what they did with […]

God Restores the Unfaithful

Hosea 1-4  Hosea lived his life as a bachelor in the northern kingdom of Israel but was called by God to do something “out of the ordinary!” God said; go; find a prostitute and marry her. Because God called, Hosea stepped out of his comfort zone. He found a prostitute in the gutter and married […]

I am sick of all this hate!

Ezekiel 25 to 27 You can almost hear God’s voice echoing those words! He observes and hears the nations around his beloved Judah saying how much they hate Judah. Then when he pronounces His discipline on Judah He doesn’t hear; oh so sorry BUT now is our time to take their land and the riches […]

Ezekiel’s Four Parables

Ezekiel  15 to 18 In the NT Jesus told three parables about things or people that were lost and found. One is about a family with two lost boys who were lost both physically and spiritually. Ezekiel’s four parables mirror this story in many ways because it is true, parables are earthly stories with a heavenly […]

Suppose there was no tomorrow???

Do you realize that there may be no tomorrow…EVER! How does that grab you? 2Chron 33 King Manasseh was evil to the max. God sent his prophets to speak to him but as this chapter reveals, he paid no attention to them. Fast forward; God decided enough is enough so he sent the Assyrians to take […]

Ahab the Crybaby King

What do you do when you don’t get your own way? This story in 1Kings 21 reveals the truth of Jer 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? God lists Covetousness, Deceit, Murder under the heading “all things God hates.” Yet, like King Ahab, we quickly push those under the rug when we want […]