Ezekiel 15 to 18 In the NT Jesus told three parables about things or people that were lost and found. One is about a family with two lost boys who were lost both physically and spiritually. Ezekiel’s four parables mirror this story in many ways because it is true, parables are earthly stories with a heavenly purpose.
Parables: #1 In the branch parable we see a branch full of life thrown into the fire. Life without God is like the fires of hell. #2 In the unfaithful bride parable we see a rags to riches story. God takes us from the gutter and bestows his blessings yet the lure of the world is always at the doorstep of our heart. Be on guard! #3 A beautiful and prized eagle, God, raised up a people yet a false eagle, Satan, offered promises that were false. Beware false “eagles” come dressed as sheep in wolves clothing. #4 In the parable of the two sons we see a family whose lives mirrored the NT story. The younger was restless and disrespectful of his father. Seeking his inheritance he left and walked the world. The older son served his father but with an ungrateful heart. The younger returned and sought reconciliation but the older remained unforgiving. Confession of sin is the first step back to God.
Israel had been blessed by God but was unfaithful and ungrateful. Yet, like the prodigal’s father, God was always waiting to restore the relationship. She would need to return to the Father in confession and repentance. What would she do?