Satan’s Lies Never Change!

Ezekiel 28 Recently a rich and powerful man was found in sin. He was incarcerated and found that when all was said and done, his piled-up riches, and wisdom were unable to protect him from the enemies crouching at his door. His false façade of “self-exaltation” came crashing down and in that cold cell he, […]

Fight or Surrender

Jeremiah 50 to 52 The book of Jeremiah is long and there are some pointed lessons to learn and they come through the tale of two kings; Zedekiah and Jehoiachin. Both had the privilege of having Jeremiah speak the words of God to them and both had sought the advice of him as the Babylonians were crouching […]

And There was LIGHT!

May 8th Ps 43 “Light” The psalmist prayed “O send out your light and your truth” and God answered. He sent the Light of the World to illumine the darkness of men’s souls that they might be see and be redeemed. God sent forth the Way, the Truth and the Life that men might come […]

Authentication and Proving Required

So far in the book of Matthew, we have walked through the first three chapters and seen that as a superior researcher and writer, Matthew has given us three areas to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. First was the genealogical record, second his birth, thirdly, the world’s reception, and now in chapter 4 we […]