Are you Grateful?

Romans 11 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how unfathomable his ways! [Rom 11:33]  Paul expertly reveals the plan of God for His people and we who are the Gentiles. Thus, Paul reminds us that salvation given to us is a gift for […]

The God I serve!

Jeremiah 5/Gen 18 Have you ever felt the deepness of a heart’s sadness? The world seems shattered, and the residents see death all around them. At times like this, our words lay fallow in our prayers—or so we think. We wonder, as Jeremiah did, Is there any good news, or Is it all bad news? […]

“Four Parables”

Ezekiel  15 to 18 In the NT, Jesus told three parables about things or people. Ezekiel’s four parables, earthly stories with a heavenly purpose, mirrored these stories in many ways. Parable: #1 In the branch parable, we see a branch full of life thrown into the fire. Life without God is like the fires of […]

Choosing to Serve…

When someone shares their heart you either ignore it or dig deeper or just pray. Paul takes a moment here to share his heart and his love for the Corinthians. Paul stopped to say that they were the evidence of his work and in fact he said when I stand before the Lord you, Beloved […]