Are we prepared?

Ezekiel 40-41 For Such a Time as This This phrase was given to Queen Esther when she hesitated to speak to her husband, the king, about Haman’s treachery. Mordecai told her that perhaps she had been put in her position ‘for such a time as this.’ She asked her maids to fast (and we imagine, […]

Are you just hearing or are you listening?

Jesus taught the listening audience with parables which are like illustrations that reveal the heart and spiritual truths. Wiersbe wrote: A parable begins innocently as a picture that arrests our attention and arouses our interest. But as we study the picture, it becomes a mirror in which we suddenly see ourselves. If we continue to […]

Anne Frank and Matthew 24 … Are We Ready?

In the biography of Anne Frank, the little girl whose diary survived WWII but she did not; Anne’s father, Otto Frank, speaks of his optimism that life will return to normal. It of course did not and he was the sole survivor of his family.  Anne’s father inherited and shared her manuscripts that the world […]