Preparation for Persecution

James 1&2  “Proof of Citizenship.” If you live in the United States, you know that we do not face persecution as those in the first century. We talk about it but have not really experienced it. Many today, as illegal immigrants, who move from their home country now fear that their identity will be known […]

Words and Words —

Advent #11 Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness Paul encouraged Timothy to disciple others. As he is actively discipling, he is entrusting what he had heard in the presence of many others. Also, he is discipling another so that they may disciple others, thus living out Psalm 78. “tell the next generation about the Lord’s praiseworthy […]

Do You Honor God?

Ezekiel 28-31  When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he noted that all men could know God as Creator and Sustainer by the vast universe before us, therefore we should stop and honor Him as holy, holy, holy. While Ezekiel slept and awakened to see the creation each morning in Babylon, God was preparing […]

“Four Parables”

Ezekiel  15 to 18 In the NT, Jesus told three parables about things or people. Ezekiel’s four parables, earthly stories with a heavenly purpose, mirrored these stories in many ways. Parable: #1 In the branch parable, we see a branch full of life thrown into the fire. Life without God is like the fires of […]

Proverbs 15 to 18: Self Questions

Through four long chapters headed as “contrasts of the blessed and the wicked,” we are confronted with the heart. Ten times Solomon uses the heart as his visual image. We may think we know our heart but in reality, only the Lord knows it. Jeremiah noted: ‘the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked..{Jeremiah asks: who […]

Can we know the right path to follow?

Prov 8/9  Are you a people watcher as you walk down the path of life? Solomon must have been. He pondered and realized there are two tracks of life (foolish and wise) and he personifies both. Solomon has observed: Vs. 32: Blessed are those who keep my [God’s] ways. Vs. 34 Blessed is the one […]

Are You a “Why” person?

Psalm 9-12 God’s Longsuffering Patience We are learning more and more about the power of prayer in the lives of believers. Yet there will always be those who rebuff God and refuse to bow the knee or utter words of praise to Him. They are like the men in Romans 1:20 who see the evidence […]