What is Your Standard?

Have you ever tried to talk to a non-believer about sin? We might say “they just don’t get it” and part of the problem is that an unbeliever’s standards are others but the believer’s standard is Christ. As Paul noted he too “would not have known sin except through the law. For indeed I would […]

Edification of the Believer

One of the most pleasing of attributes of the believer is how he/she edifies others. Upon receipt of the news that the Thessalonians had weathered the storms of the Judaizers attempts to thwart their new faith in Christ, Paul blessed the Lord and blessed these new believers for their steadfastness. They had become model believers […]

Feb 14th “God’s VALENTINE message —> I love ALL”

How appropriate that today when the world stops and offers messages of love to one another we read a chapter that demonstrates what true love is through the lives of two men who earnestly desire to please God. Jesus had commanded his disciples to go to the uttermost part of the earth with the gospel […]

Do You Have a Battle Strategy?

Romans 8: One of the greatest privileges a believer in Christ has is his freedom from condemnation, both here and in the afterlife. Freed from the rules and regulations of the Law, the believer is freed to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance regarding the standards of the Commandments. Today, in Romans 8 Paul […]