One of the most pleasing of attributes of the believer is how he/she edifies others. Upon receipt of the news that the Thessalonians had weathered the storms of the Judaizers attempts to thwart their new faith in Christ, Paul blessed the Lord and blessed these new believers for their steadfastness. They had become model believers for the entire region. Taking a step out of our comfort zone often is difficult but it reaps huge rewards whether we find ourselves in a hostile or peaceful environment. Their work of faith, their labor of love and their endurance of hope was their mark of being a new believer and so it should be of us. We can know that we ‘shine light or cast a shadow on God; we can be a path or an obstacle’ to others who are seeking. [Prof H. Hearon]
It is because of this that Paul reminds these precious Thessalonians how he modeled the Christ-like life before them “exhorting and encouraging you and insisting that you live in a way worthy of God…” This is how a mature disciple disciples a new believer in Christ. Paul now encourages these new babes in Christ to be as he said to the Corinthians “be ye steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” [1Cor 15] and to the Ephesians “be imitators of God.” As we follow these admonitions we are edifying one another in the body and outside the body.
Today may we be models of edification for those in the faith so as to build them up as they walk and talk.
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