Luke 21 God Sees
In the book of Genesis we find two individuals who said, “God sees me.” Both Hagar and Jacob knew that no matter what was happening in their lives, God sees all. Fast forward to the gospel of Luke. Jesus now in human form sees all because he is both man and God. In chapter 20 He remarks about the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy about their giving and taking of other’s wealth. In Luke 21 Jesus suspends his teaching to have his disciples and others to see what true wealth is and true giving is. The religious leaders loved to have others stop and praise their giving, but with the destitute widow they scoffed. Jesus taught us that our heart giving is seen and blessed by God, but the heart that gives with a desire to be praised by men is not.
Today as you give either with your coins or give in your works; check your heart. Is your heart’s desire to have God praise you or do you seek praise from men?