God is a Promise Keeper

God is a promise keeper

Joshua 21-24 A Charge – A Confession – Conclusion

Joshua is now 110 yrs. old, and he has seen God at work. He is old and advanced in years and knows that he will pass from this scene, but before he dies, he charges the Israelites to honor, obey and revere God. They say they will do this, but Joshua reminds them that God is jealous and will not share His glory with another. They confess that they will do as Joshua has commanded and erect a stone to commemorate their decision. Unfortunately, those words will fade from their memories, as we will see in the book of Judges, where everyone did what was right in their own eyes, not God’s. [Judges 17:6] What will our descendants choose?

When we near the time when God will take us home, do we remind our loved ones to choose God above all else because they will face the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. [1 Jn. 2:16] Are they prepared because we have been faithful to teach His Word and live it faithfully? [Ps. 78:4] Joshua did, yet he knew that these three would draw them away into sin.

Beloved, God is a promise keeper and we must be a promise keeper and be faithful to God and His Word so that our descendants will honor and revere God. Who are we preparing to take over the mantle of faithfulness when we pass on?

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