Ps 121 God is “My” Helper”
God is always alert to the prayers of His children. All through the scriptures we come across this promise: the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. [1Pe 3:12]
Imagine Psalm 121 as a conversation between three friends about a need. The first asks a question, the second responds with an answer, the third responds with affirmation and reason.
#1 friend asks: from where does my help come?” and then answers his own question: “My help comes from the Lord.” [vs 1 -2]
#2 friend responds with this encouragement; may He not allow your foot to slip. [vs 3]
#3 friend affirms those words. The Lord is your protector, he never sleeps. He is always on the job 24/7. You can trust Him to be ready to protect you in whatever situation you are in. [vs 4, 7, 8]
Do you have a need today? Do you have a friend that will pray you through your needs? Grab that friend and pray together. Pray with confidence: Lord, you are our helper; no matter what is on Your schedule for us, we will notfear what comes our way today or tomorrow or the next day because You are ever by our side! You are our Helper, our Sustainer, our Deliverer, our Jehovah Jireh