Advent Series #6:
Our world is spinning and people are wandering and wondering. They wonder about tomorrow and the next day and the next, but we who know the God of the universe do not need to wonder. For the believer the future does lie before us but we need not fear for God holds the future and He holds us in the palm of His hand: “Look, I have inscribed yourname on my palms.” [Isa 49:16] “For I know what I haveplanned for you,’ says the Lord.” I haveplans to prosper you, not to harm you. I haveplans to give youa future filled with hope.”[ Jer 29:11]
Zechariah and Mary faced a future written in eternity past. One would become a father to John the Baptist, the voice in the wilderness. One would become the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is not the author of confusion but of order. His timing is perfect and he holds the key to our future. He is the God of impossibilities. Zacharias’ future lay before him but he needed or desired confirmation. Mary’s future lay before her and she submitted willingly. When God comes with a word regarding your future how do you respond? Are you like Zacharias needing a sign or like Mary willingly submitting to whatever God has planned because you believe “The steps of a person are ordained by the Lord” [Pro 20:24]