Be on Guard!

Mark 13 We watch the news via TV, read the newspapers and google monuments of antiquity. Yet across our world we are seeing those being torn down and ruined by ideological fanatics. As Jesus listened to the disciples’ enthusiasm about the Temple, he reminded them that like today monuments which are man-made, they can and will be destroyed even at a great cost. Monuments are unimportant; it is men’s hearts and souls that are the keys to eternity. Jesus said the importance is this: no matter what men may do with monuments it is the heart of men that will live on and why they and us must be vigilant to carry the gospel message to the entire world.

Three times he reminded the disciples to “stay alert.” Twice he told them to be “watchful” lest they be deceived by those who come bearing the outward signs of truth but are really false. As the disciples were to be spiritually vigilant so are we to be so. Monuments may come and go but His words will not return void. The mandate is this: preserve and take the gospel to the four corners of the world lest men die in their sins and be forever separated from God eternally.

The truth remains the same for us today: Be Watchful; Stay Alert, be busy in the vineyard. Preach the gospel to all nations.

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