Called to be Authentic

2Cor 6 As we learned in 1 Cor 1, the Corinthians were divided, but Paul reminds them they are fellow workers with him in the ministry. They “ARE” anointed by the Holy Spirit; they “ARE” sons of light [1Thess 5:5]. They “ARE” saints of God’s household [Eph 2:19]; they “ARE” complete in him [Col 2:10]; they “ARE” a royal priest [1Peter 2:9]; they “ARE” in Christ [1Cor 1:30]; they “ARE” more valuable than many sparrows [Matt 10:31]. We are to be yoked together- believer to believer–and encourage one another daily as we face the stresses of life because any suffering is temporary and is a testimony of authentic Christianity.
It is not an “if” but a “when” you will be called to endure suffering just as he did. Your new life in Christ includes not only your ‘get out of hell’ card but also the reminder that “if they persecuted Christ, they will persecute you.” The world will call you “fool,” but God calls you “wise.” We are to be a sweet aroma to a lost and dying world. We do it with “weapons of righteousness” as we wear God’s whole armor, deny ourselves, and pick up our cross to follow Him rejoicing. You do it as servants of the Most High God, shining your light into the darkness as the new creation you are now.

Remember this question: “If you are ever accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

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