Mark 4 Centuries ago, Isaiah wrote, and Jesus quoted this parable: “they may look but not see, they may hear but not understand,” and Paul explains the reason behind those words. Satan is the enemy of mankind and God and as such he uses the tool of spiritual blindness so that the truth of Isaiah’s words can be literally seen and understood. For a long time people, like me, have struggled to understand what Isaiah was trying to explain and it finally dawned on me when I read 2Cor 4:4 “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
Truly Satan has mastered this tool so that many would not come to saving grace. Just like then, we too see and are befuddled by the unbelieving for their lack of spiritual life and Nicodemus is a prime example. He came seeking answers from the teacher come from God and left befuddled. How can this be? How can a man enter the womb, but Jesus was not teaching that, He was teaching that men needed a rebirth; a spiritual rebirth. Why is it that men may not see or understand? It is because if they do, they will recognize, as Nicodemus did, that they need to repent of their sin. John wrote they refuse to repent because they love the darkness.
Do our hearts yearn to open the eyes of the blind? Do we hope to open their eyes to wee that they need to repent of their sin? That should be our prayer.