What’s in a nickname?

Micah 1-7 In high school, my biology teacher called the roll and inserted a male name for mine. It stuck, and I was known by that name for the rest of my high school years. No apologies, nothing. Nicknames stick and some are less than desirable, and they hurt. Take, for example, a group of young fellows who taunted Elijah with a nickname: “baldy head,” and then there was Micah. The people had a nickname for him: ‘Oh, here comes old who is like God.” 🙁

Yet, faithful Micah repeatedly said, know God, trust God, even amid the taunts of others. Micah wanted the people to see God as a God of hope in the hardest of times. Do we look upward when life seems so out of sync? Jay Kim wrote: “Our attention is divided now more than ever because we are inundated with false ideologies and phrases.” But what about in Micah’s day? Just as then, men taunted him with: “Where is the Lord your God?” [Micah 7:10.] Micah could answer; He is where He has always been, on his throne in the heavens, and He has not changed because of this truth: “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a human being, that he should change his mind. [Num 23:19] God’s name and nickname is Truth!

So if you are asking, where is God, look upwards because He is coming soon. Look! The LORD is coming from his dwelling place. [Micah 1:3] Are you ready to meet your God?

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