The climax of the book of Judges asks us to stop and consider how to explain a story such as this one. As we read, we are struck with the tears that God must shed when he sees mankind become so depraved. That is why He sent His Son to die for our sins whose hearts are “deceitful above all things and desperately sick.” [Jer 17:9] It is because of that we can see how deep and wide is the depth of sin that leads even men of the cloth to be callous, irreverent, deceitful, selfish, and liars. God is saying to us, they need Jesus too. In summary, God has saved this story to help us see the depravity and reality of Romans 1:18-31.
There are some questions we need to be asking. Are we spreading the good news that can alter the hard hearts, whether they are men of the cloth or just people like you and me? Are we standing up for those like the concubine whose voice is never heard? Are we outraged at self-righteousness and hypocrisy? Are we compassionate for those who fall beneath the cracks of society?
Take time today to pray for those who are caught up in this depravity. Pray for a heart change. Pray for boldness to speak words of God’s love. Pray for God’s eyes to see and His ears to hear the cry of those who need defending.