2Samuel 5 Are you between a rock and a hard place and don’t know what to do? When David had a problem, he turned to God, who sees all and hears all and directs the battle so we can be successful. It all begins at the throne of God as we pray. How often do we think we have the answers and presume that we know the answers; forgetting that we need Him to lead us.
Sometimes God says to move forward, and sometimes He speaks to stand still, and sometimes he does the complete opposite of what we are thinking. Just because you tried something the first time and you were successful doesn’t mean it will work again. Remember, the enemy is busy watching to see if you will repeat what you did. He roams about seeking whom he can devour, so don’t make it easy for him.
Take Job, who didn’t even know he was going to face a battle for his life, but God did. After the enemy gained permission, Job faced the struggle. Others came to speak to Jon, but they did not have the answers, and at the end of the book, Job still did not know what had happened to him, but God did.
The battleground is in heaven moment by moment, and thus we must be prepared through prayer and scripture.