Isaiah 30, 43 to 45 Over and over God reminds his children, and in turn, us as well, that He alone is God. It is because He is God, He will and can protect us. Whether it is fire or water, God is there. The children of Israel, upon leaving Egypt saw the wall of water which protected them from the advancing army of the Egyptians. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were protected in the blazing furnace into which Nebuchadnezzar had them thrown. But, it isn’t just fire or water; wherever we are God is there and as Rahab came to understand He is “El Roi” the God who sees me. Each saw and experienced the loving hand of God protecting them in one way or another.
Has the enemy come to frighten you and to demoralize you? These examples should be in your memory arsenal as you remind him that the Holy One of Israel is by your side protecting you. You are never alone as you trod this earthly land; God is with you and He promises: you will hear a word spoken behind you; this is the way, walk in it, whether you are heading to the right or left. [Is 30:21]