Gleanings from Psalm 25: Are you one of those people that only reads the “red letter” words of the Bible? If that is you I encourage you to read beyond those words to know the true character of God from Genesis to Revelation. He is not hidden but is waiting to reveal Himself to you.
Do you say I cannot fathom the God of the OT? If that is true, then it is because your eyes are blinded with scales. Reach out to Him so He may remove your scales and then you can look deep into His character and you will see a God who cannot tolerate sin yet is upright and instructive. He is the God of compassion and lovingly kind. This is the God of the OT as well as the God of the NT.
What is the secret of the harmony of the God both of the OT and the NT? It is found in vs 14 “the secret of the Lord is for those who fear him.” If you really want to know this God you must fear him both literally and figuratively. Then you can, like the psalmist say “one thing I have asked of the Lord, one thing I seek, one thing is true: God is God and there is none like him. He will protect me and conceal me from the enemies about me. He is the same yesterday as he is today as he will be tomorrow.
Who is God to you? Is he the ogre that many people jest about? OR is he the God who is worthy of our praise. Who is God to you? He is there in all 66 books just waiting to reveal Himself to you.
Shelly Stansfield
What book and chapter? You only referenced vs 14 – or did I just miss it?
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