It has been said that if we don’t know God in times of peace we will not recognize Him in times of trouble. Also, if we are the Martha’s rather than the Mary’s we will be just too busy to hear the Master say “Stop your striving and recognize that I am God!” I am the God who can be your refuge in trouble as well as in peace. I am the Mighty God Almighty who rules over all, for I the Lord am king and I will be exalted. My promise to you the believer is this: “ If you remain in me and my words remain in you,” [Joh 15:7] I will abide with you so that you can go forth and bear the Fruit of the Spirit after being filled and nourished from Me, the Vine.
So what sustains each of us in times of peril or cosmic upheavals? It is this; we are never alone! He is our ever present help in times of trouble or times of peace for He is dependable. We will know who God is when we hunger and thirst for righteousness. Just as the Living Water for which the Samaritan woman longed He will be our satisfaction. He will be the voice speaking behind us saying, “This is the correct way, walk in it,”[Is 30 paraphrase]
Do you know Him?