Be ready! Be prepared!

2 Timothy 4 Trainer Mode

We have been trained to be prepared for any disaster that might come our way but do we follow those rules? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Our emotions often take over and we forget what we have learned. Paul is in his teachable moment with Timothy who will be leading the church in his absence. He wisely prepares Timothy for his role that he might be used of God for the kingdom’s purpose. Like Paul, Timothy is charged to equip the church in four distinct ways. 

First there is no rest for the weary. You must be available in every season of life. Problems do not come with a date and time of the month, but often surface when you least expect them. So you must be prepared as he told him, so that he is a workman who is proven wise. 

Secondly, he has to have his tool belt on so he is ready to instruct the church in four areas. He is to teach them the all things about the gospel and the discipleship.  He is to reprove and correct anything that is wrong scripturally. He is to be in trainer mode 24/7. 

Whether you in the leadership model or just a listener, heed these same steps so that God will be pleased to say: well done, thou good and faithful servant. 

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