Ps 16-17 Constantly
The psalmist writes that he will “constantly trust in the Lord; because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” [Ps 16:8] This is a powerful reminder of what we can say as well as believers. Have you ever thought about how close God is to you? He is just a prayer away. He knows who you are, what you are facing and what He wants to do with you and for you, but first you must recognize that He will be with you through thick and thin. No matter what you face He will be at your right hand.
David described giving God first place in his life as having placed God at his right hand, the place of greatest honor and authority in the ancient East.” As a believer that is where we want God; at our right hand.
The word constantly has the idea of something that is continuous without interruption. God has been constant from eternity past and will be in eternity future. He is steadfast and that allows us to know that we cannot be shaken.
Is this the God you serve? Can you say He is at your right hand? Share with us your experiences of your life where you have noted God’s position by your side.