Where would you be?

Luke 24 What would you be doing if you had been there thousands of years ago after the death of the Savior? Would you have been ministering or sitting? Would you have been among those who went to the tomb? Would you be on the road out of Jerusalem to Emmaus? Dr. Luke shares with us that some went to the tomb early in the morning, others sat sequestered in the upper room as they were fearful of the authorities. But, then two decided to leave and go to another city. We aren’t told why and we are only told the name of the one. Each circumstance shows us the heart of those who had followed Jesus. 

The women’s hearts were turned toward serving just as they had done while Jesus was alive. Several were sequestered in the upper room, but we aren’t told what they were doing. Were they praying? Were they rehearsing scripture? The two who left Jerusalem walked and talked about the past three days.

What would you be doing? Where would Christ find you?  

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