Ps 6-7 Many have the mistaken idea that we can only come to God when we are on good behavior, but the Psalmist shows us that we can come boldly before the throne of grace at any time. The religious leaders, the political leaders, and the followers of Jesus were asking, “Who is he?” The Psalmist knew the answer! He is “my” God, the One who is immutable; He is “the same yesterday and today and forever!” [Heb 13:8] We can say this whether at peace within ourselves or when we recognize sin, which needs confessing. The Psalmist could always say “O Lord “my” God”—-Jehovah, Elohim. God was his personal and close confidant to whom he could turn at all times and all seasons of life. He knew that God would be as close as a whispered prayer, song, or voice proclaimed loudly. Because of that, he was able to come to God asking to change him from within so he might live a righteous life, which should also be our goal. “The righteous by faith will live.” [Rom 1:17]
Stop and consider: can you say, like David, that God is “my” God in any circumstances?