God’s Plans, Promises & Our Excuses

God calls ...will we go

Jeremiah 1-2 Long ago, Jeremiah, a priest of Anathoth, was called by God to preach and prophesy God’s word. When God called him, He said: Before I formed you, I chose you; before you were born, I set you apart. Before you were born, I appointed you to be a prophet. Our perfect God plans ahead of time for the service He has designed with our gifts in mind. Where you are now is not just a coincidence or fate, but His perfect plan just for you. You may not be called to be a priest or a prophet, but God planned in eternity past for your role. It may be a parent, teacher, bus driver, pastor, or neighbor. Wherever you find yourself, stop and praise God for His plan for you.

Yet, Moses had his excuses: “I am not an eloquent man, for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” [Ex 4:10] So too, Jeremiah’s excuses were. “Oh, Sovereign Lord, really, I do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young.” [Jer. 1:6]

How like Moses and Jeremiah we are! What excuse are we using? Jesus reminded the disciples: “Go and Tell,” but we drag our feet with lots and lots of reasons why someone else is better qualified.  We say, like Moses, choose someone else.[Ex 4:13] But, beloved, God has chosen you and me in eternity past! He not only formed you, but He also chose you, and He has ordained you–not someone else!  Will you step and “go and tell?” 

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