Exodus 25-27 The Architect and Designer
One of the most-watched series on TV is HGTV. Many designers choose to renovate existing homes and bring them “back to life.” But, God is not like that! He is an architect and a perfect designer and starts from scratch using the materials that the children of Israel had collected as they were departing their slavery. God gave them favor in the eyes of the Egyptians. [Ex. 11:2] It didn’t just happen; God Almighty planned and orchestrated it that they might know God cares and protects His own.
Now, as the perfect architect, God helped Moses visualize and see His design for the Tabernacle. Why does He do that? Because of two principles; (1), He is a God of order, not confusion. [1Cor. 14:33] and (2) His work is based on precept upon precept, line upon line, [Is. 28:11KJV]
Over and over in these chapters, God tells Moses, “you must make it exactly so” [Ex. 25:9] and reminds him, “Now be sure to make them according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain.” [Ex. 25:40].
Where has God shown you what to do and are you doing it just exactly so?