What is on Your Wish List?

what would you answer God if he asked that same question

1Kings 1-4 Elijah has been God’s voice in the northern kingdom. He has not seen one righteous king but some righteous people. As his ministry comes to a close he seeks to turn King Ahaziah back to the Lord, but because he would not, Elijah reminds him that he will die soon. Ahaziah refused to seek Yahweh and dies in his sins. Even though Elijah has faced the wickedness of men, God has used him as His messenger.

Where is God using you?

In 1Kings 19:19 Elijah’s successor, Elisha, is chosen and Elijah reveals to him that God is taking him home to heaven.Elijah asks him an important question:

What can I do for you?  

2Kings 2:9 Elisha answered, “May I receive a double portion of the prophetic spirit that energizes you” In some ways, this reminds us of the same question posed to Solomon by God. 2Ch 1:7 “Tell me what I should give you.”  Solomon asked for wisdom and discernment and God was pleased. “Because you requested wisdom and discernment so you can make judicial decisions for my people over whom I have made you king, you are granted this and riches as well.

What would be on your list if that same question was asked of you? 

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