What evidence does the world see in you?

Acts 22 Josh McDowell titled his book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict.” He wrote it so that those who demand evidence as to what has changed your or my life. God used that book to change and continues to use it to change lives if people will listen. But, as so often is the case, Satan draws a veil of blindness over men’s hearts lest they see the glorious gospel and be saved. Yet, we must remember this; we serve the God of impossibilities.

Just as Paul, we all have a God Story of our first encounter with Jesus. Paul’s God Story reveals to us how we, too, can share our testimony before unbelievers. Paul first acquainted himself with the listening audience: “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated with strictness under Gamaliel according to the law of our ancestors,” Secondly, Paul shared with his listeners how he was just like them: “I was zealous for God just as all of you are today.” Thirdly, Paul shared what transpired to change his focus: I met Jesus the Nazarene, the Righteous One. Fourthly, he shared what transpired after that encounter. For Paul, it was to continue to Damascus, and then God’s plan would be revealed. You may have a different fourth step.

 If you have met Jesus along your Damascus road, you, too, have a God story.

Will you share it?

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