Amos 7 to 9 God asks the sheepherder and agriculturist Amos: Can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? It is a rhetorical question, of course. Later, as Amos walked the halls and fields of the northern kingdom, he “saw” or beheld God making locusts that would devour the crops, followed by fire to consume the fields. As Amos watched, his heart was broken. As we look about us, is our heart broken? Do we plead with God: Sovereign Lord, forgive Israel for they are too weak. God answered Amos: It will not happen. Never underestimate the power of a praying person. Know this truth: God hears the pleas of His children.
What does this mean to us today? It means you can be like Amos. God is listening to your petitions, and He will respond—sometimes He may even change his plan.
Never underestimate your praying power.
Just as Amos spoke to God on personal terms, so can we. Jesus said: I no longer call you servants; instead, I call you friends. A servant is told what to do and how but has no understanding of the why and does not question. In contrast, a friend converses and seeks to understand the motives and actions. Be like Abraham, Moses, and now Amos, who appealed to God for His mercy. God heard and relented of His decision. Never underestimate the power of prayer because the prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. [James 5:16]
Do you have that personal relationship with Him?