Ps 54 If anyone could write a novel of real life as a 007 agent, it is King David. His experience of hairbreadth escapes reads like a James Bond novel. James Bond fan, often escapes with finesse and smart tactics, thanks to cinematography. But, David lived it in real life, and today’s psalm finds him seeking a respite as he had done previously near the camp of the Ziphites, who were, in fact, blood relatives. However, they are the Judas Iscariot’s of the OT as they betray and double-cross, revealing to Saul where David is hidden.
This is the backdrop and prominent theme in Psalm 54. David voiced his prayer to Elohim and asked him for deliverance and for God to deliver him.
There is a principle here: God hears and responds to those whose heart is perfectly aligned with him. Elohim is the only one who has the power to deliver when we are in dire circumstances. Surely, he (Adonai = Lord- master) rescues us from all our troubles.
Beloved, remember our “struggle [is] not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.” But, like Joseph and David, our God reigns, and He alone can deliver. David had confidence in the God he knew.
Where is your confidence this day?