Jacob’s Love Gift

cup of love2aGenesis 47-50  One thing children need is a loving hug, a touch, and words of affirmation. Joseph had all of that until his unfortunate incident with his brothers and then it was off to Egypt and prison. But, that early childhood upbringing, although seen as favoritism by his brothers, was one of the reasons Joseph was able to face the trauma in Egypt.

As we study the lives of children who have been mistreated, over and over we see that the early formative years either protect them in hard circumstances or they falter and even sometimes break. Joseph weathered the storm with grace. He could have flaunted his high position and brought severe consequences upon his brothers for what they had done to him, but he didn’t. Could it have been that he not only understood the principle of Romans 8:28 which says “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord” but also Joseph was able to draw from his cup of love Jacob had filled.

Children are not only our heritage but a precious gift from God and Jacob knew that and why he spent over and abundantly upon this child of promise. Jacob only knew this: he loved Joseph. As a parent, we only know that giving of the cup of love to a child from the very first endears them to our heart. But it also becomes a reservoir to help them in times of need.

Think about that as you are raising your children. Be sure they know that they are loved, cherished, and cared for from the first to the last. Each child needs that precious gift only a parent can give.

Have you offered the cup of love to a child today?


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