Exodus 3-6 “Curiosity and a Prophet”
There is an old saying “curiosity killed the cat” but, in these chapters, we have before us that it was “curiosity that called a prophet.” It was curiosity that caused a daughter of Pharaoh to draw Moses out of the water and it was curiosity that called to Moses from a burning bush. One saved a life and now the second will save a nation. But, first Moses must not only hear but also believe that his fears are ungrounded for he goes not alone but with Jehovah with him in word and deed. It takes an entire chapter for us to come to the conclusion what the real problem Moses held in his heart. He was fearful of those back in Egypt who might seek him and kill him. Remember the words of Solomon “fear of man becomes a snare but he who trusts in the Lord is safe.” [Prov 29] And also the words of our Lord “do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul…” [Matt 10]
Beloved, when God calls, remember that you do not go alone. God told Moses “surely I will be with you” and so he is with you. Do not delay for God is calling and you must obey.
To delay is to disobey.
It all boils down to this; will you take a step of faith and trust God?
your buddy
What an appropriate message for our bible study launch tonight on the Book of Revelation! Even in the beginning, it has always been about Faith in God vs Fear of Man. Thank you!
So glad helpful …will be praying for tonight! May God be honored!