From chapter one in Luke we have come across the question that was being asked about Jesus by the religious leaders, the political leaders, and the followers of Jesus. All were asking “who is he?” The psalmist in Psalm 7 had no problem with this question whether in times when he was at peace within himself, recognizing sin within himself or facing foes. Always he could say “O Lord “my” God”—-Jehovah, the existing one. God was his personal and close confidant to whom he could turn at all times and at all seasons of life.
God was his shelter and his deliverer but also God who disciplined and chastised when sin was noted. “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.”[ Heb 12:6] Although it is painful at the moment it brings us closer to holiness for it is then that we see our depravity in sharp contrast to His holiness.
God was faithful who rescued David from himself as well as outward enemies. He knew that God would be as close as a whispered prayer or a song sung or a voice proclaimed loudly. Boldly he came to God to change him from within that he might live a righteous life and that should be our goal as well. “The righteous by faith will live.”
As we ponder and meditate upon these attributes of God and see ourselves may we come boldly before the throne of grace seeking His deliverance from sin that we may emulate His righteous character so that when people ask us “Who is God?” we can boldly answer as David: He is “my” God whom I Iove and serve.
“Our Father, we pray that we may immerse ourselves in this marvelous book of experience and find here not only that which speaks of our own moods and attitudes, but also that which answers them in grace. We thank you for this revelation, written not merely with pen and ink, but with blood and sweat and tears, heartache and sorrow, happiness and joy—in the lives of men and women like ourselves. In Christ’s name. Amen.” [R. Stedman]