God is Jealous!

Zechariah 8 Jealousy and Zealousness

When we think of jealousy, what comes to mind? Often, we think of only the negative side, but this word can mean both good and bad to represent right and wrong passion. When it is attributed to God, it is used in a good sense. That helps us when we read this passage. He is jealous, or He is zealous because He has seen how the love of His heart and life has been usurped by the enemy. Thus, He says He will return to Zion and claim His people and the nation. He says, I will bring them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and righteousness. That helps us understand the first idea Malachi presented as well: I love you, and I have loved you. Earlier in  Deut 4:24 and Isaiah 48:11, “He is a jealous God; and will not share his glory with another.”

So, how do we apply this to our own lives? Are we jealous for the name and character of God? When we see the truth of 2 Cor 4:4 being lived out in our society and, yes, even the church, “the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so they would not see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,” do we become jealous for God? Where are we today in our thinking and actions? 

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