Ps 148-150 The psalmist is drawing his book to a close and, with it, a reminder of who God is and why we should praise Him.
Ps 146 Praise Him for the life you are living and sing praises to Him as long as you have life. What are you doing today or plan to do today to give God praise?
Ps 147 It is good to sing praises to our God. What song are you singing today?
Ps 148: Praise God for his revealed attributes, let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty extends over the earth and sky. Which attribute has grabbed your attention today? Praise Him for that!
Ps 149: Praise Jehovah in the assembly of the godly. The Lord takes delight in his people; Praise God for those He has sent your way as believers.
Ps 150: Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him when you view the sky; for his mighty acts, his surpassing greatness. Praise him with song and musical instruments. Let us all, with one accord, praise the Lord.
Begin now to prepare to attend your local congregation so you can praise Him. Until then, take time to reflect and praise the Lord using these psalms.
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