Ps 131 Are aspirations a good or not-so-good thing? Let’s take a look at one man, King David in particular, who said he did not aspire to a higher calling. What did he aspire to? Is there any advice for us in scripture?
We live and move in a busy world with work, family, church, and community. In those times, what aspirations do you seek? King David said that he did not have great aspirations or, as other translations say, things too great or awesome for him to grasp. In all things, David was still a shepherd boy at heart. He did not seek to be king nor to be the leader of his nation, yet God put His hand on him and called him.
What has God called you to do or be? Solomon understood that God has placed eternity in our hearts. [Eccl 3:11] He did that so we would seek Him and His ways. A piece of advice from Paul; aspire to lead a quiet life, attend to our own business, and work with our hands. [1Thess 4:11]
Today as you move about in your world, what thoughts or aspirations come to mind? Do you seek a loftier position or to be satisfied like King David? Paul said that he learned to be content in any circumstance. How about you?