Ps 107 What do you see when you look back at your life? Is a life filled with the pleasantness of the goodness of God, or do you see suffering? What is the point of each? When we are filled and see the hand of God of blessing, do we stop and praise Him? On the other hand, when we are suffering, do we also stop and praise God? What is the point of each?
To the one, it is a gift to the God we serve and bless and share that with others. It is God’s gift to others that we lift up and praise His Name. But, to the one who is suffering, how do we use that to glorify His Name? Do we stop and give Him praise or do we grumble and complain?
The psalmist looks back and sees where God has blessed, and he also sees where God has allowed suffering. What is the point of each? Each can be used to share His blessing, for good or bad. In either state, we are to offer Him praise and blessing.
The key is found in Ps 107:15 “Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness and for the amazing things He has done for his people.’