Amos 4-6 Are we prepared to meet God?
We swear we will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us, God. This solemn oath reminds us of the consequences of not telling the truth. As we do that, we follow God’s pattern, who confirms an oath by his holy character. [Heb 6:16, 17] What He says is true and will never be altered because He is the “way, the truth, and the life.” [Jn 14:6]
Amos reminded Israel that God was calling them to repent and return, yet they refused. God’s day of reckoning would come swiftly as lightning; therefore, they should prepare. Because of God’s great compassion, He reveals his plans to men. [Amos 3:7] But, just like in Amos’ day, our world is busy spending time and money on that which will decay, but not time hungering and thirsting for the Word of God. [Matt 5:6]
If God were to blow the trumpet, what would He find us doing?
You took an oath that you believed in Jesus. Does your life reflect that oath? Thus we should seek the Lord to live, once in this lifetime and then again in the hereafter.