Ex. 14-17 If there is one story that evokes the villain/victor story it is this one. First, we have the villains, They are the guys in the black hats; a.k.a. the Egyptians standing around looking at each other and saying; “What have we done? For we have released the people of Israel from serving us!” [Ex 14:5] So they hop on their horses (ok, chariots). On the other side are the guys in the white hats, but they don’t know they are the guys in the white hats…yet.
As I read this I am reminded of the hymn: Count your blessings, name them one by one and see what the Lord has done. I wonder if the hymn writer thought of this story when he penned those words? The Israelites had seen ten plagues and defeated enemies, yet they murmur because they are thirsty! Like them, we quickly forget that if God destroyed the firstborn and you were saved, guess what? He can do it again! So, “Moses reminds them to “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord,” [Ex 14:13] because even victors in the white hats have to learn this principle: The fear of man is a snare but he who trusts in God is exalted. [Prov 29:25]
We have short memories; we quickly forget God’s power and presence. Maybe that is why that hymn is such a good reminder. so we can recall what God has done.