Zechariah 8 to 14 There is a song with one stanza:
“O the King is coming, The King is coming! I just heard the trumpets sounding, And now His face I see;”
It indeed will be a glorious day when our King plants his feet on the Mt of Olives and splits the earth to open a valley for all to walk through to the New Jerusalem. All memories will rush back to when He was seen only as of the price of a slave and sold for thirty pieces of silver. They will recall when they pierced Him on that cruel cross, and they walked away from His gift of love. But, when they see Him face to face, in their mourning, they will be comforted.
Yes, our King is coming, and every eye shall see him. He will rule as Zechariah describes and the gospels record: “He is legitimate and victorious, humble. He rode in on a donkey— on a young donkey, the foal of a female donkey.” [Zech 9:9 paraphrase] But, when he returns he will come on the clouds and every eye will see him! [Rev 1:7]